Beyond Boundaries

Dear Friends & Colleagues,
On behalf of Organising Committee, it is our proud privilege and honour to welcome all the Faculties, distinguished guests and delegates to the upcoming mega event DOACON-2024, annual Conference of Delhi Orthopaedic Association from 8th to 10th November 2024.
Conference would provide an excellent platform to showcase your work and indulge in exchange of knowledge and new ideas with clear cut carry home messages. You will also get a chance to meet, listen and interact with renowned faculty in the field of Orthopaedics.
We are designing the programme which will focus on young orthopaedic surgeons to learn the nitty-gritty of orthopaedics from each.
We welcome all of you with open heart and an open mind to DOACON 2024 to have an active participation. We promise to give all very memorable experience.
With Regards
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