Dr. Gurinder Bedi

Dear Friends,

Welcome to 2024!!!!

We hope all of you have a very fruitful and pleasant 2024. We all look forward to interacting with you on many forums and aim to build up a stronger, more vibrant Orthopaedic community. The EC on its part is embarking on a programme which hopefully will make an impact not just on your practices but also laying a bright future for our younger colleagues.

The schedule for the next year is almost ready and we hope that all members will participate in these meetings and conferences in large numbers. We would still like if people would come forward for any suggestions regarding meetings and also tie up with the association for doing any meetings that they are planning. We are changing the formats of meetings and making them more audience centric, with about 40% of the time being available for discussions in the meeting and having more case discussions sessions.

There will be some specialised courses for slightly senior colleagues, through which they will have a forum to interact with national and International surgeons of repute. Few branches such as hand surgery and spine surgery have previously been neglected and we hope to provide an opportunity for a younger colleagues to delve into the finer intricacies of these super specialisations. On the social fund, we will be having a sports day like before and also a musical extravaganza from all the members of DOA, which we would like you to attend with your spouses.

For our younger colleagues we will be having mentor ship programme through which people can develop any deficiencies in the surgical skills and maybe even get a taste for there nascent career path.

We hope that our social media presence will increase and you will visit both our WhatsApp group chat and also website for putting in more information and also seeking information about our activities.

Eventually, we would plan to make Delhi as a Mecca for furthering orthopaedic education and making each and every one of us proud to be a member of the DOA.

We're looking forward to more deeper associations and may it be personal or legal or professional issues, the EC stands behind you in lending a hand for any help required.

Thank you very much.

Dr. Gurinder Bedi
President - Delhi Orthopaedic Association